Creating a Better Environment

The F-Gas Situation​

February 2018

The EU F-Gas II regulations of 2014 announced an 80% phase-down of HFC refrigerants entering the market by 2030, based on the quantity used in 2011. In addition, certain very high GWP gases will be outlawed prior to that date as Trevor Dann of ThermOzone explains.

For our sector of the industry there are three predominant refrigerants in common service use, plus the R22 direct replacements – where ‘service use’ means charging into any refrigerant systems, but not operation of a system already containing the refrigerant mentioned.

The way F-Gas II has been introduced caps the total available CO2 tonnage and this cap provides a single quota across the EU for ALL suppliers to bid for, where suppliers will be refrigerant makers/distributors and importers of pre-assembled equipment.

It is not expected that Brexit will affect the quota available to the UK, but the fall in the pound against both the dollar and euro has undoubtedly fuelled some of the price increases seen this year. the overall quota is a fixed size and is reducing in steps.

  • 2016: 6% (to 94%)
  • 2017: 17% (to 83%)
  • 2018: 44% (to 56%)
  • 2020: R404a banned
  • 2021: 60% (to 40%)
  • 2024: 72% (to 28%)
  • 2027: 79% (to 21%)
  • 2030: 80% (to 20%)

Because the quota has been based on the CO2 tonnage figure, the market is effectively working to uplift the price of gases proportionate to their GWP rating: higher GWP rating = higher prices.

source: ACR news February 2018